Location: Singapore

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Love.. so many ppL use ur name in vain..those who have faith in u sometimes go astray..thru aLL the ups n down the joy n hurt. love.. for better or worse i'd still choose u first

Many days I've longed for you, wanting you Hoping for the chance to get to know you

At first you didn't mean that much to me, no But now I know you're all I need,ohThe world looks so brand new to me

haiz... can somebody please tell me what is true love?
What is love?
There's lot of conclusion webbings which'll expand its best to answer & still we wont be have the exact answers for keeps..
Is it meant to be as simple to run..?
is it supposed to be complicated?
is it ever meant to be played with...?
is it ever possible to share it..?

are they controlled by the mind or by the heart...
to feel..
to be...
to think..
to react...
do they act together...?
or is it just sixth sense..?

is fate part of life or do we determine fate with love..?
does itmeant that even if we are with someone long enough, our heart can change its rhythm & love not impart on its former...?

i'm torn & lost..


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